Corinne Halbert

Chicago, Illinois

Corinne Halbert lives and works in Chicago, IL. Born in Anchorage, Alaska, she grew up mostly near Boston, MA. Halbert received her MFA in Painting and Drawing from SAIC in 2008 and her BFA in Film/Video from Mass Art in 2003. She’s a painter, illustrator, and cartoonist who specializes in psychedelic horror and comics art. Halbert has self-published dozens of zines since 2010 and has contributed strips to Vacuum Decay, Plague Review, Black Eye, and Magic Whistle. Her paintings have been shown in galleries across the United States.

10th Anniversary Message:

My life motto is keep going. An art career is a long hard road but there is so much satisfaction and reward in the act of making, for which I am forever grateful.

Magic Mirror

2020, India ink and gouache on Arches paper, 14” x 17”

Kiss the Devil's Hand

2020, India ink and gouache on Arches paper, 16” x 20”

Giallo no. 1

2020, India ink, acrylic ink and gouache on paper, 16.5” x 23”